Great things are created twice...

What other programming companies won't tell you about native app development.

What native app development means for us in Softcode Technologies is not just code writing like other programming companies tend to see it. It is a customer driven process of creating additional distinctive advantages and disruptive capabilities for the methods and ways through which our clients operate in their business environment.

Softcode Technologies

Great things are created twice – as a proper idea (conceptual project), and second time as a materialisation of the same. Our goal is not just to write codes that work, app development is a process of identifying and removing obstacles to your desired goals and give you a tool that helps you to over perform in your market niche.

Softcode Technologies

We achieve that by making an effort to first understand your needs and objectives, then to prepare and devise a thorough strategy congruent with those needs and then finally by executing it through designing and prototyping the application that will work in a cost-effective way and give you an edge worth the investment.

Some Of Our Esteemed Clients

Such an idea honed to perfection

on a level of conceptual project is then poured into a customised application for a usage on a particular device by a single user or by a series of users connected through the mutual platform facilitated by that application.

Such applications are engineered and developed for installation and usage on a specified software or operating system in order to provide the best user experience and provide maximum efficiency.

In Softcode Technologies

we are not just developers, we are listeners, solutions creators, marketing strategists and business professionals helping you get the tool you need to stay ahead of the curve and help you unleash the full potential of your current business situation at any given moment. That is the meaning and a real purpose of app development and what we are committed to in Softcode Technologies

App development service portfolio

- Types of applications we are specialised for


Increased usage of mobile devices is directly correlated to increased sales if backed up by proper applications enabling such consumer behaviour. Such applications until recently were perceived as optional features of e-commerce platforms but today most of the serious online businesses perceive having their e-commerce application as an essential, indispensable part of how they relate to their customer.


In no area of business the importance of optimisation and proper time and route management comes more to play than in transportation and logistics. Our transportation and logistics apps are here to provide that precision and optimisation. Within a few clicks, at the tip of your fingers find all the information you need. Proper monitoring, surveillance, tracking, data processing and adequate reports are critical for generating proper conclusions that can make or break your business.


To make accounting work accurate it’s important to use something other than pen and paper. Proper automation of data processing gives business owners savings on human labor and prevents costly mistakes. Standardisation of procedures is a cornerstone of professionalism and that’s what our apps provide along with other benefits such as automation, data access, accuracy, reliability, speed, security, scalability and proper visuals for the entire team.


We make banking and transactional apps with state of the art encryption and safety providing emerging rivals in the banking industry with new features and greater value for their clients. Our banking apps can be enlarged with personal finance management and monitoring features directly tied to their real life transactions so that users don’t have to make manual entries.


We create apps that increase working efficiency and unlock maximum potential of our clients’ teams. Driven by a principle that 20% of what people do creates 80% of their results, our apps in its very core aim to optimise utilisation of the highest and best use of your time and skills to provide maximum value for your customers and help you capture maximum value from them in return. You cannot improve what you cannot track, so use Softcode’s tracking and monitoring tools to make sure you always hire and keep only the highest quality employees.


We develop apps designed to utilize the maximum of every specific operating system, device and sensors it contains to provide maximum output out of its capabilities. Users can enjoy all the biological reports on their physical condition and be properly notified on required routines. Our team can collaborate with physicians and make customised solutions for their different therapies and established treatment procedures.

Think outside of the box

- sky's the limit

Don’t depend on available applications on Apple Store and Google play for the apps you use in your work. Imagine, desire and have it. We make apps for your Apple watch, iPhone, Galaxy or whatever android device you use.

Native app development pertains to development of mobile applications tailored and devised to a specified platform like iOS or Android. Native mobile apps, unlike web applications, are not used through internet browsers. They need to be either downloaded from platform-specific app stores like Apple’s App Store and Google Play or they are developed and delivered to customers per order for download and installation.

Softcode Technologies

Because native applications are programmed specifically for the operating system, they provide higher user engagement than web based applications. Native mobile apps typically perform and look better than web-based apps, which must serve multiple platforms. Also, native mobile applications have access to device’s features, such as different sensors, microphone and cameras, all of which web based applications accessed through browsers typically cannot do as effectively.

Softcode Technologies

What sets us apart from others is our client care and support and personal approach to every prospective client who turns to us for help. Our responsive and courteous customer support is personal, real, it stays with you throughout the entire process, it doesn’t go away nor it doesn’t get replaced by some other voice operating under some fictitious name. We are here to respond to any question or request you may have and assist you all the way, from placing an order to helping you use and take most out of your product. Test it yourself. Drop us a few lines or give us a call or contact us in any way you see fit and let us see what solution and technology is best for you and what we can do to help you achieve your goals.

What sets us apart from others is our client care and support and personal approach to every prospective client who turns to us for help. Our responsive and courteous customer support is personal, real, it stays with you throughout the entire process, it doesn’t go away nor it doesn’t get replaced by some other voice operating under some fictitious name. We are here to respond to any question or request you may have and assist you all the way, from placing an order to helping you use and take most out of your product. Test it yourself. Drop us a few lines or give us a call or contact us in any way you see fit and let us see what solution and technology is best for you and what we can do to help you achieve your goals.