Ruby is mostly associated with its use as a web framework for it simplifies a lot of the complications inherent to web-work. It can be ideal for small script sizes up to medium sized applications. The benefits of Ruby are that it's a great dynamic language giving developers personal freedom to code. What makes Ruby popular in America nowadays is that it enables developers to implement their creativity in a way that is not hindered by numerous coding constraints and impediments attributive to other programming languages.
JavaScript is the no.1 name in front-end development. It works smoothly with all major browsers and can be used to create interactive and feature-heavy web pages; it enables displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated graphics, scrolling video modules and many other features making the web site more than just a static display of data. In Softcode Technologies, we often use Javascript to charge our clients’ software with additional features, creating an edge for them in the way they communicate their value with their target market.
Python is a high level language, meaning it is relatively easy for humans to intuitively understand and interpret. It is programmer–friendly and closer to human languages in how it’s written. Over the years, it has become increasingly versatile as a programming language. We use python in working for our clients in situations requiring a lot of big data, artificial intelligence, web development/web applications, or modelling.
PHP is platform-independent. PHP-based applications can run on any operating system like Windows, Linux, UNIX etc. The effectiveness and industrial relevancy of PHP gave rise to various communities of developers over time. We have many clients who use our PHP based products tailored for them specifically and they hang on to them for multiple years of constant usage in their business with very little need for maintenance. We often use PHP, especially to charge our clients' operations with competitive edge through utilisation of various function modules for data representation.